Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Let them eat cake....

Day two - Versaille glistening in the snow :)

Le deuxième jour nous nous sommes levés à silly o'clock pour visiter le palais au versaille; il était magnifique.

We got in for free because we were students, when the staff informed of us i don't quite think they realised how many of us there were....
Anyhoo we queued and went in, I'd been split off from my FCP girlies as their bus had gotten lost so i spent the day with my room mate, taking in the history and magic of the building where the last queen of france spent the last of her days. The tale of marie-antoinette is always one that I've marveled over as often as a child I dreamt of being the dauphine of france (I'm a scot to the core so don't ask me why i guess i was just and 8 year old with impossible dreams and too many books).


Below are some images of features or I found inspiring or beautiful.
The Hall of Mirrors.
The Queen's bed, 19 heirs of France were born in this bed, the last of whom was to the last Queen of France, Marie-Antoinette.

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